20 years of driving sustainability in aquaculture

Benchmark®Animal Health develops solutions for some of the most economically important and persistent disease and health challenges in aquaculture in order to improve animal health and welfare in fish farming.

Benchmark® Animal Health is part of Benchmark® Holdings Plc. Benchmark’s mission is to enable aquaculture producers to improve their sustainability and profitability. We bring together biology and technology, to develop innovative products which improve yield, quality and animal health and welfare for our customers. We do this by improving the genetic make-up, health and nutrition of their stock – from broodstock and hatchery through to nursery and grow out.

Variation for MOM-B at sites

Benchmark signs agreement with MMC First Process AS and Salt Ship Design AS to integrate CleanTreat® systems onboard well-boats

The objective is to integrate Benchmark’s CleanTreat® solution, a water purification system used in combination with the company’s sea lice medicine, Ectosan® Vet, with MMC First Process’ Technologies System Solution for fish handling into a well-boat design provided by Salt Ship Design.

Benchmark® Animal Health receive Marketing Authorisation (MA) for Ectosan® Vet in the Faroe Islands

Ectosan® Vet, sea lice veterinary medicinal has been granted for use at the Faroe Island.

Ectosan® Vet variation to Marketing Authorisation enabling a second use of treatment water

This variation to the MA enables the re-use of the treatment water for a second batch of fish, subject to water quality being maintained to the satisfaction of the prescribing veterinarian, therefore increasing the efficiency of treatments.

First-of-kind trial on benefits of CleanTreat® when used with Salmosan® Vet takes place in Scotland

For the first time in Scotland, CleanTreat®, the innovative water purification system developed aquaculture biotechnology company Benchmark, will be trialled alongside Salmosan® Vet, a Benchmark medicine used to treat sea lice on salmon, in what could be a major boost for fish health and wellbeing.

Benchmark Animal Health and Cermaq receive funding from the Research Council of Norway for the development of Tenacibaculum vaccines for salmon

Benchmark Animal Health, a leading aquaculture biotechnology company, and Cermaq Group AS, a world leading salmon farming company, announced receipt of NOK 4.2 million in funding from the Research Council of Norway, to support a collaborative research project to develop a vaccine against salmon diseases caused by Tenacibaculum bacteria.

Benchmark® Animal Health receive Marketing Authorisation (MA) from the Norwegian Medicines Agency for Ectosan® Vet in Norway.

Ectosan® Vet was the first sea lice veterinary medicinal treatment to be introduced to the Norwegian salmon market in over a decade and the granting of the MA was a major milestone.

Benchmark® Animal Health Chile established

The establishment of Benchmark®Animal Health Chile follows the launch of Benchmark® Genetics in Chile in 2018, and helps us to serve our customers better in the world’s second largest salmon market.

Re-focus on Aquaculture and Salmonids

Benchmark® Animal Health finished a period of internal restructuring to enable us to focus on core projects and strengthen our unique capabilities.

Benchmark® Animal Health Norway is established

The company’s subsidiary opens in Norway.
