Benchmark® Animal Health carries out global safety surveillance in-line with relevant local legislation, to ensure the ongoing monitoring of the impact of our products on animal and human health, and the environment.

If you observe or hear about any unfavourable or unintended suspected Adverse Events in animals, such as mortality or an adverse reaction, whether or not they are thought to be product related, please report these promptly to the Pharmacovigilance team either by calling the below number(s) or via the dedicated email inbox, and the team will be pleased to help you.

Please also report any unfavourable or unintended suspected Adverse Events involving people handling the product, the environment, or consumers and any information relating to a suspected lack of efficacy relating to the product.

Any other product related concerns or complaints can also be communicated using the below contact details. We appreciate your assistance in continuing to ensure the safe use of our products.

For adverse events occurring in the UK:

If you are based in the UK either contact Benchmark®Animal Health directly or contact the VMD with Adverse Event reports.:

UK : 0845 0093342
Norway: +47 918 852 77
International telephone number: +44 1223 849729

The Veterinary Medicines Directorate

Email :
Tel: +44 1932 336911


For adverse events occurring in Norway:

If you are based in Norway, either contact Benchmark Animal Health using the contact details above or contact NoMA directly with Adverse Event reports.

Norwegian Medicines Agency

Norway : +47 22 89 77 00


For adverse events occurring in South America:

If you are based in South America,  please contact us directly with Adverse Event reports:

