Benchmark® Animal Health provides solutions to some of the most persistent diseases and fish welfare challenges.

Benchmark® Animal Health provides solutions to some of the most persistent diseases and fish welfare challenges. We want to build, with our customers, a future in aquaculture where fish welfare and care for environment are considered key enablers of growth.

Our company was founded in 2000 by a group of friends who wanted to drive improvements in the food supply chain and make the industry more sustainable.

Benchmark® Animal Health initially focused on agricultural projects and terrestrial animal species but has gradually shifted the focus to aquaculture and more specifically to sea lice control management. Our products and solutions enable a holistic approach to sea lice management. Our portfolio consists of strategic and tactical tools as well as preventive and curative medicinal solutions available to fish health professionals.

Our company has grown over the last 20 years through organic growth and acquisitions. Today we operate within Benchmark® Holdings with our other business area  Benchmark® Advanced Nutrition (Inve).

Our four company values – innovative, passionate, collaborative and commercial – act as a compass for our actions and guide us in reaching our goals.
