Benchmark's driving sustainability in aquaculture

Benchmark’s mission is “Driving Sustainability in aquaculture”. We are doing so by delivering products and solutions which improve sustainability for aquaculture producers through better animal welfare.

We also seek to make our business increasingly sustainable, identifying environmental, social and governance (ESG) opportunities and actively managing risks that are material to our business and our stakeholders.

We believe that by fulfilling our mission we can help to meet the needs of a growing global population for healthy, nutritious food while minimising the impact on the environment and communities where aquaculture is present.

Ivonne Cantu, Director of Investor Relations and Head of the Sustainability Working Group

Five Focus Areas

Our sustainability programme has five focus areas which together address the main drivers of sustainability and ESG risks in our business, recognising that financial sustainability and corporate governance are managed through our finance and legal functions. These areas are Product Impact, Environment, Animal Welfare, Being Well and Communities.

Every industry is impacting the environment in some ways. Our aim is not to add to the pollution but to reduce its levels if we can. Our flagship invention – CleanTreat® does exactly that – purifies water used for medicinal treatment of fish, so there is no trace of our activity left behind.

Our offices around the world run regularly ongoing awareness campaign for the employees how to reduce our individual impact, from cycling to work schemes through to cleaning the beaches and forests. More and more of our offices are using green energy suppliers only.

At Benchmark, we are promoting animal health and welfare through our products and our operations.

Benchmark Animal Health is committed to the UN sustainable development goals 3. Good Health and Wellbeing, and 14. Life below Water. One part of this work is the establishment of the Benchmark Central Animal Welfare Committee consisting of animal professionals not only from Animal Health but also from other business areas within Benchmark Holdings.

At Benchmark, we understand that many factors need to be considered when selecting the right sea lice treatment plan. There is a place in the future for all the tools we have today and more, to be used in a coordinated, strategic approach.

Sindre Rosenlund, Global Product Manager, Sea Lice Medicines, Animal Health

Within the R&D we always adhere to the three R’s policy when it comes to the animal testing – reduce, refine, replace. We follow strict guidelines and study protocols when animal testing is required if it cannot be avoided and we review our policies regularly.

We care for our people and empower them to reach their potential.

At Benchmark, we are engaging with our employees through the Employee Champion representatives and the monthly Town Hall meetings led by the Executive Management Team. To promote well-being, Benchmark has trained a team of Mental Health First Aiders across the group who has the role of being a confidential point of contact for employees experiencing issues in connection with mental health.

In addition, Benchmark Training Platform provides continuous training to increase employees’ knowledge and engagement.

Benchmark for Better (‘B4B’) is the Company’s new communities and charity initiative launched this year which is an umbrella for our existing charitable and community work, and a platform from which to build. B4B combines charity and sustainability, aligning our efforts with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and with our corporate purpose of improving the sustainability of aquaculture. We also look beyond our corporate existence and contribute to improvements for our broader communities, making a meaningful and positive impact on the communities in which we operate – for its people, animals and the environment. In 2020, Benchmark implemented a Group volunteering policy, allowing employees to take two days off each year to volunteer for a chosen charity.
