Ectosan® Vet is the first sea lice veterinary medicinal treatment to be introduced to the Norwegian salmon market in over a decade.

This new bath treatment, used together with CleanTreat®, is a breakthrough development for the aquaculture industry — providing an effective tool for use within the Integrated Pest Management strategy for sea lice; improving fish welfare, whilst protecting the environment.

Available with veterinary prescription from your wholesaler. Please contact your local representative for more details on how to order.

Supporting the sustainable growth of the industry by reducing the economic and operational impact of sea lice whilst improving fish welfare and protecting the environment.

Ectosan® Vet is a highly reliable veterinary medicine for the treatment of pre-adult and adult sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). It has been developed to meet the highest standards of efficacy and fish welfare.

Applied exclusively in wellboats it ensures all treatment water is retained, allowing the medicine to then be removed by CleanTreat® – supporting the global aquaculture sector’s drive to reduce environmental risk.

Sea lice present a major biological challenge in salmon farming in terms of fish health, welfare, impact on wild salmon stocks and economic impact. Highly efficacious and welfare friendly medicinal bath treatments are a much needed tool to control sea lice as part of an overall approach to integrated pest management (IPM).

Detailed and long-term planning together with early intervention and the implementation of an effective IPM strategy is the key for successful long term and effective sea lice control.

Ectosan® Vet has been proven to effectively manage sea lice levels and improve fish welfare and will now play a vital role in Norwegian salmon farms IPM strategy.

Ectosan® Vet has been extensively developed to the highest standards through rigorous laboratory studies conforming to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and field trials conforming to Good Clinical Practice (GCP), ensuring human food safety, user safety, target species safety, product efficacy and environmental safety.

Ectosan® Vet is manufactured and distributed in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Distribution Practices (GDP), and also meets the European Pharmacopoeia Monograph for ‘Imidacloprid for Veterinary Use’ (01/2020:2924), ensuring the highest product quality.

Marketing Authorisation has been granted for Ectosan® Vet via a positive benefit/risk evaluation of product quality, safety and efficacy in accordance with Article 12(3) in EU Directive 2001/82/EC.

The active ingredient is Imidacloprid and the target treatment dose is 20 mg Ectosan® Vet per litre of sea water for a period of 60 minutes.

Our Technical Services personnel provide complete customer support throughout Ectosan® Vet treatments, at all treatment stages, supporting treatment optimisation and developing product best practices.

Support to prescribers include:

  • Treatment Guidance and Support
  • Sensitivity Monitoring Program
  • Environmental Monitoring Program

We also have dedicated Technical Service personnel to support the wellboats utilised in treatments with Ectosan® Vet ensuring compliance with the requirements of the medicine and lifetime support for all operators.



This guide details relevant product information to support prescribers when assessing treatments with Ectosan® Vet;

Ectosan® Vet Prescriber Guide


Benchmark® Animal Health carries out global safety surveillance in line with relevant local legislation, to ensure the ongoing monitoring of the impact of our products on animal and human health, and the environment.

CleanTreat® is a water purification system. It is the first of its kind to be used in aquaculture and works by removing medicines from treatment water before returning purified water into the sea.

At Benchmark, we understand that many factors need to be considered when selecting the right sea lice treatment plan. There is a place in the future for all the tools we have today and more, to be used in a coordinated, strategic approach.

Sindre Rosenlund, Global Product Manager, Sea Lice Medicines, Animal Health