The market leading bath treatment for sea lice, currently available in the UK, Norway, Faroe Islands, Canada, and Chile (Purisan®), with Registration granted by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Salmosan®Vet is available from Benchmark Animal Health’s North American business

The product is used throughout the global salmon industry for the control of pre-adult and adult stages of sea lice. In the fight to manage sea lice, your operation looks to a reliable and proven option which delivers effective treatment as part of an integrated sea lice management program.

Through working alongside salmon producers and understanding the needs of every stage in the supply chain, Salmosan®Vet has been continuously developed to become the market leading bath treatment solution.

Detailed and long-term planning together with early intervention is the key for successful long-term and effective sea lice control

Salmon louse is a common term referring to different sea lice attaching to the skin of salmonids. Depending on geographic location, the species will differ, but the common denominator is that they can rapidly reproduce leading to farm-wide infestations, ultimately impacting the health and welfare of the fish.

Under farming conditions, the increased number of available hosts combined with high reproductive potential demands that we control sea lice to ensure optimal fish welfare. To that end, producers utilise a wide variety of approaches; among these are anti-parasitic bath treatments.

Salmosan®Vet is a registered pesticide in Canada (but a veterinary medicine in other regions) used globally since 2009 to control sea lice. It is recognized as a sustainable, gentle and effective treatment option, with the active ingredient azamethiphos.

Anti-parasitic bath treatments should be a part of an integrated pest management program where a combination of pesticidal, medicinal, physical, and biological treatments are included to avoid the build-up of resistance in the sea lice population to a particular tool.

  • The Salmosan® Vet formulation delivers exceptional practicality:
  • Extensive trial work has demonstrated that Salmosan® Vet is safe for the fish and environment alike when applied in the range of conditions seen at Canadian farms.
  • The product’s shelf life is 48 months, meaning less risk when managing farm inventory
  • Safe for both “tarped cage” and wellboat treatment methods.

Salmosan® Vet is supported by the world’s leading aquaculture technical services personnel. Our team of professionals offer extensive knowledge of sea lice control and salmonid aquaculture in general. Our support services include sensitivity testing, best practice training, administration advice and global product stewardship efforts.

Best practice for the use of Salmosan®Vet, this document’s aim is to give you advice on the how to get the best results from treating with Salmosan®Vet.

Download Best Practice Guide

Benchmark Animal Health carries out global safety surveillance in-line with relevant local legislation, to ensure the ongoing monitoring of the impact of our products on animal and human health, and the environment.
